The story of the Norwegian producer begins in mid-80's, when he was aspiring to become a hip hop and electro disc jockey. In 1992 he took a new turn by joining different bands, only to return back to DJing in 1994, when he accepted the offer of some friends to become the resident DJ of a club in Norway.
Thomas has a wide taste in music: growing up in family where his stepfather taught him the music of many important musicians (like the Beatles, the Cramps, the Clash, Miles Davis, Mozart and others) stimulated his inspiration for music, which has always been a daily part of his life. In his youth, he learned to play the cello and the clarinet (not the most common music organs to join a band!). He started to collect records from an early age (a hobby that he still maintains), providing him with the ability to compose eclectic music and DJ sets. Therefore, Thomas is fairly considered one of the most interesting electronic music producers in Norway, along with his friends Hans-Peter Lindstrøm (a frequent partner in crime) and Todd Terje.
Today's track is extracted from the latest album Principe Del Notre, released in February 2016 by Smalltown Supersound:
Principe Del Notre is a fine example of what is called "cosmic disco" (although it's a term that Prins Thomas does not accept for his productions). While the first CD is beatless and ambient, the second one is an uptempo rework. However, both parts retain the spacey feeling, which is evident in most tracks. The album can be considered as a homage to the German krautrock bands of the 70's and the ambient artists of the 90's, who served as a strong influence for Thomas throughout the years. I believe that the two CDs should have been mixed, in order to create a seamless music experience to the listeners.
The success of Principe Del Notre spawned the release of a remix album (Principe Del Norte Remixed) in October 2016, including some popular names, like the Orb and Ricardo Villalobos, and some lesser known (Young Marco, Hieroglyphic Being, Sun Araw, I:Cube, Gerd Janson, Dungen).
The Norwegian electronic scene is pretty small compared with other countries, but it has delivered very interesting projects the last years. The turning point had been made by Röyksopp, who pushed the Norwegian sound beyond the country's boundaries. Thomas Moen Hermansen continues the tradition with his works!
The Norwegian electronic scene is pretty small compared with other countries, but it has delivered very interesting projects the last years. The turning point had been made by Röyksopp, who pushed the Norwegian sound beyond the country's boundaries. Thomas Moen Hermansen continues the tradition with his works!